Saturday, March 31, 2007

Disability Insurance Policy - How To Get The Best Deal

By Joann Grant Platinum Quality Author

To quote William Shakespeare, “As flies to wanton boys are we to the Gods”. So, just like little boys get some cruel pleasure by torturing the poor, helpless tiny creatures; the Gods also seem to entertain themselves by setting free untold miseries on human beings when they are not pleased with them.

You are left to suffer the heavenly curses while asking yourself what wrong you did to deserve such a horrible punishment. Instead of investigating the reasons, you face the challenge like a brave person, as He wished you to be. Now, you are left with only one choice, give a stiff resistance to it and be well prepared to deal with such an outcome.

Fortunately, Disability Insurance comes to your rescue on such occasions and lends you a helping hand. Several insurance companies are in the fray with stretched hands to help you. Still, it is up to you to study the pros and cons of each insurance policy one after another before arriving at a conclusion. Take your own time and be wise in your endeavor. Listed below are five important things, which you must understand well before you sign up with an insurance policy.

1. There should be enough flexibility in the terms and conditions of the policy. This gives a guarantee that when something unexpected happens seriously, the policy could act as a savior immediately.

2. The policy should give you enough financial coverage to meet all your expenses yourself without losing out on your freedom and honor.

3. The insurance policy you are inclined towards must pay you enough to keep your lifestyle the same as you had been leading before the disaster struck you. To make it clearer, the policy you choose must be able to convince you that there is no financial difference even if you are unemployed.

4. Say goodbye to a policy that has a clause only for security but not any to fulfill your dreams. You may be having your own plans and ambitions about your future. Your search will be completed only with the discovery of an insurance policy that will safely land you in a better career after you regain your fitness.

5. Lastly, make a careful comparison of the amounts to be paid as premiums and confirm whether there is any advantage in paying a higher premium. Never assume that higher premiums will fetch you more coverage.

The amount of disability premium is determined by several factors such as a person’s age, sex and job. Disability Insurance is something that no one likes to think about, but it might produce a big difference in an unexpected eventuality.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Disability Insurance - Things to Remember

By Joann Grant Platinum Quality Author

Insurance, needless to say, is a very well known word in the whole world. Not only Life insurance, Vehicle insurance, Building insurance, people today go for even body parts insurance, say eyes or voice insurance. And talking about Disability Insurance, it is definitely one of the much sought after types of insurance.

This insurance, justifying its name, helps the policyholder to take care of his or her necessities when the person fails to attend work due to illness or injury. Some surveys show that one in three people becomes disabled at the age of 35; they get disabled minimum for three months before attaining the age of 65; and one in ten may face permanent disability. This type of coverage will, undoubtedly, solve some of your financial problems such as medical and rehabilitation expenses.

Generally, disability insurance is available in two kinds: short term disability insurance and long term disability insurance. Long-term insurance covers periods more than six months till the time of retirement. No insurance company will offer coverage of 100% of your income fearing that you will not go back to work even after becoming fully fit. Short-term disability insurance covers 40% to 60% of the policyholder’s actual income while long-term insurance will offer 75% to 80% on a tax-free basis. Therefore, it is wise to get as much coverage as possible.

Either, people can go for disability insurance issued by the government or get it as insurance package provided by their employers. Mostly, the insurance coverage provided by the employer ends at the time of termination of one’s job. Several US States are able to manage public disability insurance coverage policy financed by payroll taxes. Again, you have to look into several important factors while choosing a disability insurance policy. Such factors as total disability and renewability have to be considered carefully.

Choose the policy that provides the clause that the insurance company cannot cancel or raise your premiums so that you will not be forced to cancel it. Better look for a non-cancelable policy or guaranteed renewable policy. With this policy you will not be singled out and the raise in premiums could be done only with the consent of the whole class of insured people. Conditionally renewable policies are also welcome.

Other policies needed to be taken into consideration are residual insurance - for hardworking lot falling ill or getting injured; presumptive insurance - protecting severely affected ones; and recurring insurance - for helping people who, after recovery, become disabled again.

Also, elimination as well as benefit periods and policy exclusions ought to be keenly studied. To promote disability insurance, various optional riders such as cost of living, are available. The additional clauses also comprise automatic increase rider, social-insurance-substitute-rider and residual-disability insurance. So, know everything about the policy before going for it. An informed choice is always a better choice.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Disability Insurance and Loss of Income

By Lance Winslow Platinum Quality Author

If you run a small business you know that if something happens to you and you cannot work, you are history. Temporary Disability Insurance for your small business is a must. Often you do not even have a choice. You must buy it and if you do not then chances are the bank will not give you a loan to start your small business, reject your business plan or decide not to give you the money you need to expand.

Indeed, banks have check box forms they fill out to CYA themselves and prevent loan defaults. Disability Insurance and Loss of Income Insurance is a box on those forms. Even still, if you do not borrow money from a bank and use personal savings, you could lose your entire business or savings if you are injured or hurt and cannot work.

What if you need major medical treatment and it drains your bank account and you are out of work for a month? What about six months? Can your business survive without you? Chances are that it couldn't, as much as we might wish to think otherwise.

It is for all these reasons that when I found myself needing disability insurance, I consulted an expert on insurance to walk me through it all and explain to me what was covered and what is not covered. It pays to ask questions and listen to the experts.

I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.

"Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Article Source:

Short Term Health Insurance - What You Need to Know